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Retail Outlets are the principal installations for refueling of MS/HSD for automotive use. The safety of these installations is of paramount concern keeping in view the associated hazards of petroleum products handled involving vehicles and public. Accidents at Petroleum Retail Outlets in the recent past emphasized the need to review the existing operation and maintenance practices in Petroleum Retail Outlets. Therefore, a need was felt to frame a standard for safe storage, handling of Petroleum Products at Retail Outlet. This standard lays down the minimum requirements in design, operation, inspection, maintenance, training, consumer safety at Petroleum Retail Outlets (PRO).


Motor Spirit (MS) / High Speed Diesel (HSD) are widely used as automotive fuels. There has been high growth in consumption of these products commensurate with the increase in number of vehicles. Accordingly, numbers of retail outlets for dispensing of MS/ HSD have gone up in the country. Accordingly, a need was felt to frame guidelines on safety of these Petroleum Retail Outlets as safety at these installations is one of the important considerations in view of the hazards associated with handling of these products, operating conditions such as pressure, storage of other flammable materials etc.


Authorized Person: A person trained and assigned to carry out a specific job by the dealer.

Dispenser: The equipment provided in the retail outlet for delivering MS/ HSD to the Auto Fuel Tank of motor vehicles / approved receptacles.

Fill Point: The point of inlet pipe connection of a bulk storage tank for MS/ HSD where hose is connected for filling the products into the tank.

Vent Pipe: The pipe fitted on an underground tank in Petroleum Retail Outlets for breathing.

Petroleum Retail Outlet: The area provided with facilities and specially designed for storage and dispensing to the fuel tanks of motor vehicles and any other approved receptacles.

Tank Truck / Tank Lorry / POL Tank Lorry: A truck mounted with a properly designed and approved tank for transportation of MS / HSD in bulk to the dispensing stations.



A.1. The space chosen for a petroleum retail outlet shall be sufficiently spacious to allow it to minimize the risk from the petroleum fuels to any person likely to be at or near the retail station.

A.2. The layout should ensure unobstructed movement of all vehicles together with adequate provision for entry and exit of Tank trucks.

A.3. Location of the facilities, equipment, entrance, exit & paving shall be arranged in a manner to avoid the risk of any collision amongst the motor vehicles.

A.4. Access for mobile firefighting equipment to all the Retail Outlet facilities shall be ensured.

A.5. The location of tanks, filling and vent pipes, dispensing equipment and road tanker decanting area as well as on site buildings shall be designed

A.6 To provide for satisfactory means of escape for persons in the event of fire or other incident.

A.9. The hazardous areas shall be protected from sources of ignition.

Storage Tanks

B.1. Petroleum shall be stored only in underground tanks in single / double walled [membrane] and its installation shall be outside any public risk.

B.2. These shall be placed in an earthen or masonry or concrete pit and shall be packed with sand/earth/gravel without leaving any space between the tank and concrete/masonry wall.

B.3 No part of the space over the buried tanks shall be used for any purpose other than installing equipment specifically meant for the withdrawal/ monitoring of contents of the tank.
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